Value chain analysis of community-based chickpea seed the case of selected districts of Gurage Zone, southern Ethiopia

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Research Paper 05/08/2024
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Value chain analysis of community-based chickpea seed the case of selected districts of Gurage Zone, southern Ethiopia

Solomon Adimasu, Shiferaw Teshale, Getahun Fikre
J. Bio. Env. Sci.25( 2), 31-41, August 2024.
Certificate: JBES 2024 [Generate Certificate]


The study was aimed at analysing seed value chain of community-based chickpea in Selected Districts of Gurage zone. The objectives of the study was identifying chickpea seed value chain actors and defining their roles, analysing the market margin of actors, determinant factors and identifying constraints in the chain. A multi-stage sampling technique was implemented. The data were collected from both primary and secondary sources. Descriptive statistics, value chain and econometric analysis were employed to analyse data. Primary actors in the study were input suppliers, seed producers, collectors, wholesalers, South Seed Enterprise and final-use. The producer’s share is highest in channel-IV, which is 83.3% and net market margin is 53.7% when producers sell their seed to South Seed Enterprise. The result of the multiple linear regression model indicates that market supply was significantly affected by level of education; quantity of seed produced, frequency of extension contact, district. Shortages of improved seed, climate change, and weak extension contact were main constraints in production. The major marketing constraints were weak market linkage, low price at harvesting time, insufficient handling and poor quality seed and lack of modern storage centres in the production area.

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