Value chain analysis of wheat the case of selected Woreda of Hadiya zone, central regional state of Ethiopia

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Research Paper 09/08/2024
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Value chain analysis of wheat the case of selected Woreda of Hadiya zone, central regional state of Ethiopia

Solomon Adimasu, Melaku Bonkola, Wodimu Tamerat
J. Bio. Env. Sci.25( 2), 181-189, August 2024.
Certificate: JBES 2024 [Generate Certificate]


In developing countries there are different factors which limit capacity of farmers in the marketing of their produce and earn little market margins while other actors along the chain have the power to determine prices paid and thus extract marketing margins. The study was aimed at analysing value chain of wheat the case of selected woreda of Hadiya zone with objectives of identifying wheat value chain actors and defining their roles, analysing market margin of actors, and constraints in the chain. The cross sectional survey design and multi-stage sampling techniques were implemented. The data were collected from both primary and secondary sources. The primary data were collected from randomly selected 180 producers’ farmers. The results indicate that the main value chain actors are input suppliers, farmers, collectors, wholesalers, processors, retailers and consumers. The producer’s share of the consumer price was found to be the highest in channel-III, with share of 78.9% and lowest total gross market margin was 21.1%. This reflects that channel-III provide producers with better share of value created. Constraints at the production level were shortage of improved seed, weak extension service, prevalence of pest and disease, unseasonal rainfall. The major wheat marketing constraints were weak market linkage, low price during harvesting time, insufficient handling, poor quality wheat and lack of modern storage canters in the production area.


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