Variability analysis in F6 lines of tomato for the role of trichomes for resistance against fruit borer (Helicoverpa armigira)

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Research Paper 01/04/2018
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Variability analysis in F6 lines of tomato for the role of trichomes for resistance against fruit borer (Helicoverpa armigira)

Mehboob Ahmad, Bilal Ahmed Khan, Mazhar Iqbal, Isma Khurshid, Kehkashan Akbar, Muhmmad Shahid, Adil Rehman, Mehmoodur Rehman, Akhtar Nawaz
Int. J. Biosci.12( 4), 181-187, April 2018.
Certificate: IJB 2018 [Generate Certificate]


Use of pesticides to control the pest is unsafe practice for environment and human health therefore the present era scientist are seeking to adopt host-plant resistance which is a natural strategy to control the pests on crops. Our study aims to find the role of trichomes in conferring resistance against fruit borers(Helicoverpa armigira) in tomato breeding lines.F6 lines were transplanted in the field and data  were collected  on trichomes density, No of fruits affected by fruit borers(Helicoverpa armigira) and total number of fruits/plant. The lines having higher density of trichomes  (6.5 on the scale of 10) were found to be less affected (1.33 Nos fruits affected) by fruit borers  (Helicoverpa armigira)as compared to the lines with lower trichome density .Highest value of Va(5.3) was reported for Number of fruits/plant. Heritability % was found to be lower for all the parameters. The degree of resemblance was found to be moderate for all the parameters. Vp (Phenotypic variance)  and Va values within the lines exceeded the Vp and Va values of the whole population. The high difference was found between the Vp and Va within the lines. The PCV (Phenotypic Coefficient of Variation) within the lines for fruits affected/plant, for non-glandular trichomes type V and for glandular trichomes type VI was found to be higher. The above mentioned findings depict that trichomes confer resistance to host plant against fruit borers and can be relayed upon to some extent for crop protection.


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