Variability and correlation study of different newly developed sunflower hybrids in Pakistan

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Research Paper 01/02/2019
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Variability and correlation study of different newly developed sunflower hybrids in Pakistan

Aftab Ashraf, RistinaSiti Sundari, Muhammad Asad, Mahmoodul Hasan, Huma Qamar, Muhammad Mudassar, Muhammad Umair Raza, Wajiha Anum, WaleedMumtaz Abbasi, Adnan Arshad
Int. J. Biosci.14( 2), 397-406, February 2019.
Certificate: IJB 2019 [Generate Certificate]


Hybrids of sunflower are more stable and highly self-fertile with a high yield performance and greater uniformity at maturity. Hybrid genotypes have been found to be superior in terms of seed yield to their parental lines. This research intended to develop high-yielding cultivars to evaluate the comparative study for physiological, morphological and qualitative traits of sunflower hybrids. Data of various growth, developmental, agronomic and yield traits were recorded to quantify the response. Analysis of variance showed that the hybrids were significant in all the traits, except for head and stem diameters. The results regarding plant growth and yield characteristics showed that maximum achene yield 3444.3 kg ha-1was noted for the Hysun-33, while the minimum value of achene yield was noted for the SMH-1003 with plant height 1816 kg ha-1. The maximum stem girth was found for the SMH-1104 with the 25.43 cm, while the lowest value for the stem girth 19.7 cm was found for the SMH-1001. The maximum numbers of days to the flower completion was noted for the Hysun-33 with 93, while the minimum days to flower completion were found for the SMH-1006, i.e., 83 for the flower completion. The results regarding chemical attributes showed that the hybrid Hysun-33 was characterized by higher value of oil content (38.5%) and protein content (18.86%). While, on other hand NKS-278 showed maximum value for palmitic acid, oleic contents and linoleic acid. Further research permits the need to screen large number of hybrids-cultivars, their response to numerous growth and chemical parameters to minimize the yield losses under dryland conditions.


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