Variability of bioclimatic determinants and their impacts on the productivity of cowpea and maize intercropping in three agro-ecologies areas of Côte d’Ivoire

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Research Paper 07/07/2024
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Variability of bioclimatic determinants and their impacts on the productivity of cowpea and maize intercropping in three agro-ecologies areas of Côte d’Ivoire

Yao Raymond Koffi, Kouadio Ignace Kouassi, Beket Severin Bonny, Kouamé Kevin Koffi, Bouma James Neya, Bi Irié Arsène Zoro
Int. J. Agron. Agri. Res.25( 1), 1-8, July 2024.
Certificate: IJAAR 2024 [Generate Certificate]


In Côte d’Ivoire, the yield of cowpea and maize remains low due to climatic variations that are difficult to control. This study was initiated with the objective of evaluating the impact of climate variability on the productivity of cowpea and maize intercropping. To achieve this, experimental trials were conducted in the localities of Bédiala, Adzopé, and Dikodougou during the years 2020 and 2021. The experimental design was a completely randomized block with four replications. Each plot covered an area of 1088 m² (34 m × 32 m) and included 28 treatments. Cowpea and maize were sown simultaneously in single inter-row planting. Growth data for both crops were collected during the reproductive phase, while yield data were collected after the respective harvests. The results show that the year of planting and the cultivation area significantly influence the grain yields of cowpea and maize. The highest maize yields were recorded in 2020 in Bédiala and in 2021 in Dikodougou, while the best cowpea yield was observed in 2020 in Bédiala. This spatio-temporal analysis of agricultural yields is crucial for effective resource management and ensuring long-term food security.


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