Variability of phytoplankton in the coastal waters of Visakhapatnam, Central east coast of India (Bay of Bengal) with special reference to environmental parameters

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Research Paper 01/10/2016
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Variability of phytoplankton in the coastal waters of Visakhapatnam, Central east coast of India (Bay of Bengal) with special reference to environmental parameters

I. Nageswara Rao, R. Ratna Kumari, V. Lakshmana Rao, I. V. Sreeharsha, G. Grace, K. Jyothi
J. Bio. Env. Sci.9( 4), 73-86, October 2016.
Certificate: JBES 2016 [Generate Certificate]


In the present study, seasonal distribution of species composition, cell abundance of phytoplankton and statistical data of hydrography and nutrients in the coastal waters along the Visakhapatnam coast were analysed. This survey carried out in 4 stations (Fishing harbor, Lawsens bay, Rushi hills and Bheeminipatnam) during premonsoon and post monsoon in 2011. Totally 110 species of phytoplankton were identified. Maximum phytoplankton population was recorded in pre monsoon at Fishing harbor and minimum were observed at Rushi hills during post monsoon. The diversity indices were calculated for the four study sites. The hydrographical parameters such as temperature, pH, salinity and dissolved oxygen along with the nutrient content of NO2, NO3,NH3,PO4 and SiO4were carried out in both surface and bottom waters during the study period.  Hydrographical parameters were correlated with nutrients by Pearson Correlation Matrix, showed Chl a is negatively correlated with temperature, pH, salinity, ammonia and positive correlation with dissolved oxygen, nitrites, nitrates, phosphates and silicates.

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