Variability of Q gene locus in Ethiopia bread wheat cultivars and breeding lines

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Research Paper 15/06/2023
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Variability of Q gene locus in Ethiopia bread wheat cultivars and breeding lines

Solomon Berhanu Sharo, Kebebush Desta Dinane, Gizachew Haile Gidamo
J. Bio. Env. Sci.22( 6), 190-198, June 2023.
Certificate: JBES 2023 [Generate Certificate]


The wheat Q gene, located on the group 5 homologous chromosome, is extremely important for widespread wheat cultivation due to its influence on many morphological traits associated with domestication. To analyze the variability of the Q gene locus, 52 genotypes were grown in pots in Addis Ababa Science and Technology University. Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) extraction was done from 20 days old plant by using CTAB buffer. DNA marker designed from the 9th intronic region of the Q gene was used to carryout polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The PCR products were separated in agarose gel and six allelic variants from the PCR products were visualized using gel documental system. First, the expected PCR product sizes of 536bp, 665bp and 578bp for locus 5AQ, 5BQ and 5DQ loci, respectively, were observed in 16 bread wheat genotypes. Secondly, amplification of expected PCR product sizes for 5AQ and 5DQ, but no 5BQ were observed for six genotypes. Thirdly, four kinds of length variations in the 9th intronic regions for the PCR products were observed for half of the analysed genotypes in 5AQ and 5DQ loci. Furthermore, amplified PCR product for only 5AQ was observed in seven wheat genotypes, but no for 5BQ and 5DQ. The information’s obtained on the Q gene profile will contribute towards diversification and knowledge based uses of Q gene in Ethiopian wheat breeding programs, and will be useful in the attempts to develop cultivars with ideal plant architecture and high yield.


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