Vegetation changes during the last millennium in the Wet Complex of El-Kala (Algeria): palynological records and comparative study case of Alder of Ain Khiar & El Ghorra Mountain

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Vegetation changes during the last millennium in the Wet Complex of El-Kala (Algeria): palynological records and comparative study case of Alder of Ain Khiar & El Ghorra Mountain

Kahit Fatima Zahra, Youbi Mustapha, Danu Mihaela Aurelia, Benslama Mohamed
Int. J. Biosci.14( 1), 356-365, January 2019.
Certificate: IJB 2019 [Generate Certificate]


The objective of this work is information providing about the vegetation and climate changes that occurred in the last millennium at the Wet Complex of El-Kala (Algeria). In order to contribute in the understanding of past dynamics and current wet area from this region, two case studies are described here: the alder-peatland of Ain-Khiar and Gbar El Halouf at El-Ghorra Mountain. Pollen data obtained from sediments of El-Kala allowed us to make inferences regarding the past vegetation and climate history. For this, two palynological cores from this area were analyzed. The results are supported by five AMS radiocarbon dates. The oldest data was recorded at El Ghorra Mountain (925±29 AD) while the recent data was recorded at the alder peatland of Ain Khiar (1809±97 AD). The obtained data highlight that starting with Medieval Warm Period (MWP) around 925±29 AD until 1581±52 AD, the landscape characterized by domination of thermophilous taxa related by warm temperatures average at both of studied sites, at the beginning of Little Ice Age (LIA) the landscape at both sites has the same appearance domination of hygrophilous taxa and decline of thermophilous taxa related by low temperatures average mentioned at that period and it was finished around (1809±97 AD). This study shows that from 19th century to present days the landscape is characterized by the expansion of thermophilous taxa at El Ghorra Mountain and traces of anthropogenic activities and at Alder of Ain Khiar retains its appearance despite the decline of all of local and regional vegetation.


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