Vegetation dynamics in a forest management context in Cameroon: Case of Dimako Communal Forest

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Vegetation dynamics in a forest management context in Cameroon: Case of Dimako Communal Forest

Hubert Kpoumie Mounmemi, Louis Zapfack, Nicole Liliane Maffo Maffo, Ousseni Arouna, Djomo Cédric Chimi, Banoho Louis-Paul Roger Kabelong, Nono Carine Temegne, Amandine Flore Yonkeu Ntonmen, Votio Mireil Tchoupou, Mbobda Roger Bruno Tabue, Guendjo Paule Mariette Kenmougne, Meyan-ya Raissa Gwladys Daghela, Leukefack Armel
J. Bio. Env. Sci.17( 3), 139-155, September 2020.
Certificate: JBES 2020 [Generate Certificate]


The Communal forests allocated in Cameroon are of increasing interest for an ecologically acceptable, economically viable and socially equitable management. The main objective of this research is to highlight the implication of forest management on the dynamics of land use units (LUU) through a spatio-temporal analysis of satellite images. This aiming to providing decision-makers with basic tools that can contribute to the sustainable management of natural resources, by providing answers to questions related to the implementation of REDD+ in the production forests in Cameroon. To this end, the processing of Landsat images from 1984, 2000 and Sentinel images from 2015 was carried out. The methodological approach adopted consisted of a supervised classification with maximum like – data coupled with true field data. The results obtained made possible to identify five LUUs in the years 1984 and 2000 and six land use units in 2015. These are mature forests, young forests, wetlands, plantations, savannas and naked soils. Woody systems represent the most dominant land use categories. The results showed a regression of young forests of the order of -94.07ha/year between 1984 and 2000. However, in between 2000 and 2015, a progression of young forests was observed with an evolution rate of 100.59ha/year. In the light of the various analyses carried out within the framework of this study, it will be remarkable to stress out the importance of forest management in maintaining and restoring the plant cover and, by so, the conservation of biodiversity.

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