Vegetation Ecology in China- A review

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Vegetation Ecology in China- A review

Sehrish Sadia, Jin-Tun Zhang, Arshad Ali Shedayi, Brian Gagosh Nayyar, Xiaohang Bai, Paras Mazari, Sidra Aslam, Latif Khan
J. Bio. Env. Sci.7( 6), 249-259, December 2015.
Certificate: JBES 2015 [Generate Certificate]


China being third country in extensive biodiversity is the home of almost all types of ecosystems. Grasslands and forests are major source of carbon. Ecosystem services in China contribute 2.71% to that of world. But due to anthropogenic activities and climate changes, vegetation distribution is going to be badly affected. Major factors affecting the Chinese vegetation are temperature and precipitation. A lot of land of Loess plateau is lost due to soil and water lost. Quantitative priorities are needed to be establishing for conservation of endangered plant species and to minimize bad effect of climate variables.


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