Vridi canal: A supply route for a new granulometric cortege in Ivorian coastal sediment transit

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Research Paper 05/07/2024
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Vridi canal: A supply route for a new granulometric cortege in Ivorian coastal sediment transit

Saimon Aby A. Mathurin, Toure Mamadou, Gbamblé Bi Y. Aimé, Ambela Ze Marguerite Christelle
J. Bio. Env. Sci.25( 1), 40-47, July 2024.
Certificate: JBES 2024 [Generate Certificate]


The Knowledge of the sandy material on either side of the Vridi channel on the Port-Bouët coast in Abidjan was obtained by granulometric and morphoscopic study of 9 cross shore beach sedimentological profiles. Three sedimentological campaigns with quarterly rhythmicity covering the period December 2020 to April 2021 were conducted by surface sampling, 50 cm deep and 1 m deep at the auger in the three upper, mid and low foreshore.Granulometric analysis reveals two different facies on either side of the channel. The western part of the channel has medium to coarse sand, while the eastern part has coarse and very coarse sand.The morphoscopic analysis shows a dominance of shiny sub-angular sand grains to the west of the channel against a dominance of shiny sub-rounded sand grains to the east of the channel. These results show a discontinuity in the supply of sandy material in the west-east direction of the Ivorian longshore drift on this part of the Port-Bouët coastline. The Vridi canal, at the heart of this granulometric discontinuity, is the route by which new material of continental origin feeds sediment to the coast.


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