Waste water treatment in textile Industries – the concept and current removal technologies

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Research Paper 01/07/2015
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Waste water treatment in textile Industries – the concept and current removal technologies

M. Mostafa
J. Bio. Env. Sci.7( 1), 501-525, July 2015.
Certificate: JBES 2015 [Generate Certificate]


The textile industry is one of the most promising industrial sectors that provide huge unskilled employment in the developing countries in Asia, particularly China, India and Bangladesh. Since textile industry is a very diverse sector in terms of raw materials, processes, products and equipment and has a very complicated industrial chain. The textile finishing covers the bleaching, dyeing, printing and stiffening of textile products in the various processing stages (fibre, yarn, fabric, knits, finished items). These units are being used in various chemicals and large amounts of water during the production processes and also generate a substantial quantity of effluents, which can cause various environmental problems, if disposed of without proper treatment. So the characterization of textile process effluents is very important to develop strategies for wastewater treatment and reuse. The paper describes the characteristic and composition of textile wastewater, some national standard of the textile effluents and reviews the currently available primary, secondary, tertiary and advanced pollutants removal technologies used in the textile industries.


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