Water quality and socio-demographic assessment of Mahuganao Stream: inputs to water resource management

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Research Paper 01/01/2018
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Water quality and socio-demographic assessment of Mahuganao Stream: inputs to water resource management

Danny P. Quilatan Jr, Lloyd Allan L. Cabunoc, Alma P. Mantala, Richel E. Relox
J. Bio. Env. Sci.12( 1), 117-125, January 2018.
Certificate: JBES 2018 [Generate Certificate]


Small as they may appear, headwater streams are very important because the health of the organism depends on that network of streams. The present study deals with the assessment of water quality of Mahuganao Stream, the socio-demographic and economic profile of residents living near the stream, the way they utilize the stream and how much waste they can produce. The analysis of the water samples collected was done in the laboratory to determine the Water Quality Index. Twelve (12) households were interviewed to elicit information on their socio-demographic and economic profile, how they utilize the stream and the amount of waste each household produces. Overall, Mahuganao stream is within the standard set by the agencies concerned such as DENR, PNSDW and USEPA. The socio-demographic profile of the community and its solid waste management is seen to be changing over time due to the fact that the median age at present is found to be within their late teens. There is a need to manage the stream as this group of people has the capacity to reproduce and could increase the anthropogenic activities and waste generation in the area.


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