Water quality assessment of Shizaka streams, Tehsil Shewa, North Waziristan agency, FATA, Pakistan

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Water quality assessment of Shizaka streams, Tehsil Shewa, North Waziristan agency, FATA, Pakistan

Manzoor Ahmadp, Zaigham Hasan
J. Bio. Env. Sci.17( 3), 156-1165, September 2020.
Certificate: JBES 2020 [Generate Certificate]


The present study was conducted on Shizaka Stream and Ghorghori Stream (Both are commonly called Shizaka Streams), Tehsil Shewa, North Waziristan Agency, FATA, Pakistan, to assess the water quality of these streams by studying their Physico-chemical parameters. This study was carried out from February to May 2016. Water quality is the study of chemical, physical and biological contents of water. Fish production depends upon the quality of water. Regular supervision of water quality is very important for aquaculture purposes. Various digital kits and chemical methods were used for assessment of these physico-chemical parameters. Water samples were collected for analysis on monthly basis from Shizaka Streams (Shizaka Stream and Ghorghori Stream). The mean Physico-chemical parameter’s values recorded for four months were: pH 7.137, Temperature 23.2, Dissolved Oxygen 7.325mg/l, Electrical Conductivity 195.74 µmhos/cm, Total Hardness 260.62mg/l, Total Alkalinity 252.055mg/l, Salinity 0.137mg/l, Total Dissolved Solids 196.43mg/l, Total Suspended Solvents 81.657mg/l, Sulphates 206mg/l, Ammonia 0.75mg/l, Free CO2 4.707mg/l, Nitrate 0.085mg/l, Magnesium 35.75mg/l and Calcium 138.375mg/l. The values of all the measured parameters except Magnesium and Total Suspended Solids were in the permissible range as described by the United States Public Health standards suggested for surface water in 1976 and World Health Organization. The study was made with the purpose to know the suitability of these streams for fish survival and prospects of aquaculture in the area.


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