Water quality assessment with biological indicators: Mond protected area, Iran

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Research Paper 01/09/2013
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Water quality assessment with biological indicators: Mond protected area, Iran

S. Moghdani, F. Amiri, F. Ghanbari, M. Saki Entezami, T. Tabatabaei, M. Pourkhan
J. Bio. Env. Sci.3( 9), 80-89, September 2013.
Certificate: JBES 2013 [Generate Certificate]


The purpose of this study is to determine the diversity and the accumulation of Macrobenthos of Mond River and assess the condition of water quality using Welch’s index. Sampling was done in summer and winter seasons during 2011-2012 years. Sediment samplings were done three times for each station. Macrobenthos samples were collected using van Veen grab with 0.025 cross-section, (they were fixed using 5% buffered formalin) so were counted and identified in the laboratory. Further, physical-chemical parameters of water including temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen (DO), water salinity was measured at each station. The diversity index was examined using Shannon-Weiner formula. Dominant index was examined using Simpson formula and water quality was assessed using Welch index. The identified samples were composed of 13 genus, 11 families and 3 classes. The most identified species in stations belongs to Ceanidae, Limnaeidae and Chironomidae families. The results of the study indicated that according to the identified samples and Welch index, quality water in river Mond has poor to medium.


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