Water resources and water demand management by using WEAP model at Gareat El Tarf catchment (Constantine’s Highlands, Northeast Algeria)

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Water resources and water demand management by using WEAP model at Gareat El Tarf catchment (Constantine’s Highlands, Northeast Algeria)

Dali Naouel, Zouini Derradji
J. Bio. Env. Sci.12( 5), 180-188, May 2018.
Certificate: JBES 2018 [Generate Certificate]


Water is a key driver of sustainable growth and poverty alleviation as an input to almost all production, in agriculture, industry, energy, transport and so on. Using water in an efficient manner and managing competing demands is essential step to ensure that water is no longer undervalued and misused. The object of this study is the water resources management in Gareat El Tarf, its semi-arid catchment of North East of Algeria, characterized by a conspicuous water demand for irrigation and limited groundwater and surface water resources. Agriculture is not only the largest consumer of water at the basin level; it is also the first water waster.  A gravity fed irrigation system is the most used irrigation system, with efficiency of 40 to 60%. In addition, the water losses in the drinking water distribution network reached 50%. Our approach is to integrate data in WEAP modelling software to simulate current and future water balance and then to analyse the situation of water in different passive scenario and in water demand management scenario change to 2050.Our findings reveal  that In 2010, Supply of water requirement for all demand sites is 226 million m3. In 2050 it increases to 322 million m3 for Reference scenario, while for Water Demand Management scenario it decrease to 121 million m3. In the absence of intervention, the water deficit will worsen in the future. The policy of mobilization of water resources, must be supported by a management of the demand for water.


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