Water, sanitation and hygiene practices and its impact on infectious diseases and under-nutrition among children below five years of age in low income countries

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Water, sanitation and hygiene practices and its impact on infectious diseases and under-nutrition among children below five years of age in low income countries

Hoyce Amini Mshida, Neema Kassim, Emmanuel Mpolya, Martin Epafras Kimanya
J. Bio. Env. Sci.12( 3), 378-391, March 2018.
Certificate: JBES 2018 [Generate Certificate]


Under-nutrition among children aged below five years continuous to be a major public health threat despite numerous nutrition interventions taking place in low income countries. In 2016, about 23% of under-five children were stunted worldwide. Essentially, nutrition interventions have gained much attention although it can address only 20% of stunting in this age group. The awareness that the problem cannot solely be eliminated through optimization of diets has led to the theory that infectious diseases have potential impact to the problem and need attention as well. These diseases emanate from poor water, sanitation and hygiene practices and may affect the nutritional status of under-five children through different ways; may lead to malabsorption, poor villi function, leaking of mucosa, inflammation of the gut and even compromised immune system. Worms for example tend to compete for nutrients with the child. Furthermore, costs incurred for treating infections could affect food budget of the family. Also, when a child falls sick, whatever little food is taken is used for body recovery rather than growth. It is therefore, important to critically conceptualize the relationship between these risk factors for child mortality and morbidity and propose solutions through which such problems could be eliminated. This review paper therefore, suggests incooperating WASH interventions to nutrition and disease prevention interventions to address the problem of under-nutrition and infectious diseases among children below five years of age in developing countries and finally reduce child mortality.


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