Water status of cork oak seedlings (Quercus suber L.) in Tunisia

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Water status of cork oak seedlings (Quercus suber L.) in Tunisia

Abdessamad Abdessalem, Saidi Ahmed, Baraket Ghada, Chkioua Chaker, Berrabah Djamel, Salhi Hannachi Amel, Ksontini Mustapha
Int. J. Biosci.10( 2), 37-48, February 2017.
Certificate: IJB 2017 [Generate Certificate]


The Mediterranean forest constitutes a fragile ecosystem subjected to various aggressions closely linked to the conditions of the physical and human environment. A comparative study of the water and physiological responses of young cork oak plants which was carried out on the nursery of twelve sites of cork oak from the North West and North East of Tunisia. In nurseries in Tunis, seedlings were subjected to water stress. The analyzes focus on adapting to physiological water stress in Quercus suber L. show that osmotic adjustment increases considerably in Méjen Essef populations; Dj khroufa and Hammam Bourguiba, which explains why these populations have an important capacity for osmo-regulation allowing the tissues to develop a higher turgor and a strategy of resistance to water stress. Similarly, for populations of Keff El Rand; Oued Zeen; Bellif and Ain Zana; but this is limited in time. A greater decrease in the population of Hammam Jdidi; Dar Fatma, Djebel Zouza; El Feidja  and Beni Mtir  , indicating that they therefore exhibit stress sensitivity water. The differences revealed between the twelve provenances show that the importance of monitoring the physiology of young cork oak seedlings under semi-controlled conditions in order to control better their characteristics with respect to water stress.


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