Watershed conservation prioritization using morphometric parameters applied with principal component analysis approach

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Watershed conservation prioritization using morphometric parameters applied with principal component analysis approach

Shiella Lynn D. Goyo, George R. Puno
J. Bio. Env. Sci.19( 5), 7-22, November 2021.
Certificate: JBES 2021 [Generate Certificate]


The present study analyzed and quantified the different morphometric aspects of the Upper Pulangi Watershed in Bukidnon, Philippines using a 10-m spatial resolution digital elevation model. The study was carried out using geospatial techniques to quantify morphometric parameters relative to the tendency of the watershed to erosion threat to provide basis and guidelines in prioritizing watersheds that need an immediate rehabilitation and conservation. Morphometric analysis applied with Principal Component Analysis was used in prioritizing watersheds. Principal Component Analysis is a dimension-reduction tool that can be used to reduce a large set of variables to a small set that still contains most of the information in the large set. It also decreases the dimensionality of the data set and identifies a new meaningful underlying variable. Results showed that Nabalintungan sub watershed with a compound ranking value (Cp = 4.17) was classified under very high priority followed by the Maapag sub watershed with (Cp = 4.25) thus, implying more attention for conservation measures. Upper pulangi sub watershed with (Cp = 6.75) was classified under very low priority followed by the Sawaga sub watershed with (Cp = 6.00), signifying promising environmental condition among the nine sub watershed areas. The study provides significant information that are helpful to watershed managers and planners in coming up with an informed decision and actions in relation to planning for watershed management, for soil and water conservation programs and project implementation under limited resources.


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