Weed control practices in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) under arid conditions of Southern Punjab, Pakistan

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Research Paper 01/05/2020
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Weed control practices in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) under arid conditions of Southern Punjab, Pakistan

Wajiha Anum, Liaqat ali, Iqbal Shahid, Nadia Manzor, Madiha Mobeen Khan, Muhammad Umair Raza, Muhammad Sami
Int. J. Biosci.16( 5), 1-6, May 2020.
Certificate: IJB 2020 [Generate Certificate]


Wheat as a major staple food faces substantial yield losses attributable to weeds. In arid areas the situation is worse as a consequence of limited nutrient accessibility by the crop. There is a dire need to establish cultural weed control strategies posing less environmental threat, as caused by chemical control methods.   An experiment was designed to appraise the cultural weed control practices along with chemical control. Four treatments of  different line orientation and seed rate i.e., 15 cm apart single row spacing,15 cm apart cross row spacing, 30 cm apart single row spacing with increased seed rate @25kg/ha, 30 cm apart cross row with increased rate @25kg/ha laid out in RCBD design, were evaluated together with one chemical and one weedy check treatment. Yield and yield parameters collected revealed that 15 cm apart cross row spacing gave the highest yield compared to all other treatments. The results were statistically similar to the chemically treated plots. Highest wheat yield was obtained in 15 cm apart cross row spacing (3887 kg/ha).  The results confirmed that application of efficient plotting orientation can be a promising strategy in mitigating the environmental pollution caused by use of weedicides.

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