Weed rhizosphere: a source of novel plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR)

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Research Paper 01/07/2018
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Weed rhizosphere: a source of novel plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR)

Muhammad Baber, Mahreen Fatima, Rameesha Abbas, Muther Mansoor Qaisrani, Sidra Naz, Muhammad Kashif Hanif, Tahir Naqqash
Int. J. Biosci.13( 1), 223-233, July 2018.
Certificate: IJB 2018 [Generate Certificate]


Weeds are undesirable plants usually flourish in the unfavorable environment as continuous efforts are made to control their growth. There could be many reasons for weeds survival in hostile conditions among which association of beneficial microflora with their roots is one of the reasons. Weeds rhizosphere is studied for different plant growth promoting rhizobacteria which are successfully used to engineer the rhizosphere of many agriculture crops. However, weeds rhizosphere is still underexplored. In perspective of increasing atmospheric worth and food security, the utilization of plant growth promoting rhizobacteria for diminishing chemicals contribution in agro ecosystem that is conceivably a major issue. PGPR isolated from weeds rhizosphere are being used in different crops that help them in better stand by their plant growth and development attributes i.e. biological phosphate solubilization, N2 fixation, IAA production and as well as bio-control actives by producing different enzymes metabolites  and antibiotics . While covering the success stories of association of the PGPR, isolated from weed rhizosphere of different crop plants, this review enlighten the need of research to develop further understanding of the general and functional diversity of rhizobacteria residing especially in the rhizosphere of weedy grasses. This area of research will open new horizons to utilize PGPR from weedy grasses for plant growth promotion and yield in nutrient deficient soil which will be of great value for agriculture research and applications.


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