Wheat yield enhancement through balanced nutritional management

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Research Paper 01/04/2018
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Wheat yield enhancement through balanced nutritional management

Muhammad Amjad Nadim, Mohammad Safdar Baloch, Muhammad Sadiq, Yasir Ihtesham, Kashif Waseem, Mehwish Kiran
Int. J. Biosci.12( 4), 8-15, April 2018.
Certificate: IJB 2018 [Generate Certificate]


In order to get maximum wheat production by integrating chemical and organic fertilizers along with micronutrients under the agri-environment of Dera Ismail Khan, Pakistan, a two years research project was carried out. Randomized complete block (RCB) design in split-plot arrangements with 4 replications was used for two consecutive years. Main-plot consisted of NPK and organic fertilizers (farmyard manure, compost, soil conditioner) while microelements viz. zinc, copper and boron were maintained alone and in all possible combinations in sub-plots. Data revealed that using NPK (100% Recommended Fertilizer Dose-RFD) significantly influenced wheat yield parameters. This treatment gave highest tillers’ count (268.56 and 228.06 m-2), grains’ count (56.50 and 57.25 spike-1) economic yield (4.40 and 5.29 t ha-1), respectively for two years. Data further showed that application of boron @ 2 kg ha-1 significantly produced highest tillers (246.69 and 202.87 m-2), number of grains (53.56 and 55.25 spike-1) and grain yield (3.90 and 4.38 t ha-1) during both experimental years. It was also noted that the two factors (NPK, organic fertilizers and micronutrients) non-significantly interacted with each other in almost all yield and yield contributing parameters; however, NPK (full RFD) in combination with B @ 2 kg ha-1 remained the best treatment combination for higher wheat productivity. Moreover, highest net return with maximum BCR (2.17and 2.57) was also achieved by the combined application of these two treatments during both the years.


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