Where are they now: Native trees in the City of Malolos, Province of Bulacan, Central Luzon, Philippines

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Research Paper 07/04/2023
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Where are they now: Native trees in the City of Malolos, Province of Bulacan, Central Luzon, Philippines

Mary Ylane S. Lee, Edwin C. Reyes, Cielo Emar Paraoan-Villareal
J. Bio. Env. Sci.22( 4), 1-9, April 2023.
Certificate: JBES 2023 [Generate Certificate]


This study focuses on tracing the presence of native trees where the names of the barangays were derived. Also included is the assessment of the knowledge and attitudes of locals about the native trees and their attitude towards willingness to support possible conservation of trees. Tree inventory was conducted to determine the presence of native trees in the selected areas. Residents’ knowledge of the native status of common tree species and related topics such as their location in the city were explored through a survey. 194 individual tree species identified and 62 of which are native trees. Only 5 Diospyros blancoi (Kamagong or Mabolo tree) were observed in Barangay Mabolo, while there is no presence of the native trees namely Dillenia philippinensis (Katmon), Nauclea orientalis L. (Bangkal), Glochidion rubrum Blume (Bagnang-pula) and Afzelia rhomboidea (Balayong/Tindalo) in the other selected barangays. Most common native species observed is Adonidia merrilii (Manila Palm Tree). Overall knowledge was high wherein correct identification of native trees was higher than that for non-native trees. Generally, positive attitudes were expressed by most of the respondents towards native trees and were in favor of planting more native trees.

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