Women participation in honey marketing: Evidence from Nigeria

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Research Paper 22/04/2023
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Women participation in honey marketing: Evidence from Nigeria

BO. Okonta, TM. Gbigbi*, C. Okoh-Ikemefuna
Int. J. Biosci.22( 4), 156-164, April 2023.
Certificate: IJB 2023 [Generate Certificate]


The study examined women’s participation in honey marketing. A multistage sampling procedure was used for the study. A structured questionnaire was used for data collection. The sample size was 60 women honey marketers. Descriptive statistics cost and return analysis and a regression model were used to analyze the data. The mean age of the honey marketers was 39 years old with the majority of them having tertiary education. The mean marketing experience was 6 years with a mean household size of 3 people. The majority (63.33%) of honey marketers did not belong to an association. A majority (61.67%) of marketers were married with a mean income of N18,800 per month. The major reasons for honey marketing were income generation, keeping yourself busy or engaged, assisting family welfare, and employment generation. The total revenue was N157,193.3k and the total cost was N79,082.17k. The gross margin was N78, 111.17k with a marketing efficiency of 93.91%. The factors that influenced women in honey marketing were quantity sold, selling price, transportation cost, market levy, and cost of loading and offloading. The major challenges militating against women honey marketers were a lack of financial resources, low patronage, transportation cost, poor road network, and price fluctuation. The predominant honey marketing channel was producers to wholesalers and retailers to consumers. The study concluded that honey marketing was a profitable enterprise in the study area. It was recommended that the government should provide credit facilities to traders in the area of study, so they could further improve their trade.


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