Wood proximate and physical propertyanalysis of Lubeg (Syzygium lineatum DC.) Merr. & L. M. Perry) tree species in Apayao

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Research Paper 01/08/2021
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Wood proximate and physical propertyanalysis of Lubeg (Syzygium lineatum DC.) Merr. & L. M. Perry) tree species in Apayao

Maria Christina Z. Manicad, Hannie T. Martin, Oscar P. Cardenas
J. Bio. Env. Sci.19( 2), 22-31, August 2021.
Certificate: JBES 2021 [Generate Certificate]


The equilibrated ground samples of the wood butt, mid and top portions of the three (3) Lubeg tree species collected in the province of Apayao were analyzed for percent moisture content, percent ash content, percent lignin, percent ethanol cyclohexane, percent holo-cellulose and percent alpha-cellulose content. It was found out that the percent moisture content; percent ash content, percent lignin, percent ethanol cyclohexane and percent alpha-cellulose content are highly significant at 1% level while percent holo-cellulose content of the Lubeg tree was found out to be not significant. These reported findings of the study suggested considerable specific end-uses for Lubeg trees species such as biofuel and as raw material for pulp and paper manufacture. Result of the study conducted, the moisture content and relative density of Lubeg tree at different levels are not significant, and this means that whatever part of Lubeg tree the moisture content and the relative density are the same. Result of the study revealed that the relative density and percent moisture content of the Lubeg tree falls under moderately high classification which can be substantially utilized for house and building construction such as posts, beams, trusses, studs, door panels, and flooring, veneer and plywood, bobbins, spindles, bowling pins, bridges, and wharf timber piles and other uses requiring hard and strong wood. On the other hand, volumetric shrinkage of the wood of Lubeg tree falls under moderately low volumetric shrinkage which denotes that the wood can be utilized for high to common-grade furniture manufacture and other uses such as house framing, flooring and ceiling. Also acceptable for millworks/joinery, woodcrafts, novelties, picker sticks and also for musical instruments.


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