Work attitudes and needs of nurses: Their relationship

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Research Paper 10/12/2024
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Work attitudes and needs of nurses: Their relationship

Riza O. Maquiling
Int. J. Biosci.25( 6), 407-423, December 2024.
Certificate: IJB 2024 [Generate Certificate]


The study aimed to determine the relationship between the work attitudes and the corresponding needs of the nurses in five (5) hospitals in the Province of Zamboanga Del Norte, Calendar Year 2016 – 2017. The descriptive method of research was used in the study. There were 43 respondents utilized. The main statistical tools were frequency count, percentage, weighted mean and spearman rho correlation. It was revealed that the respondent when analyzed were young adult, female, married, working as a staff nurse and are not continuing further studies. They served for 13 years or more, permanent and has been in her present position for 13 years and over. Further, it was revealed that they put more values on punctuality, good performance of tasks, commitment to work, ability to relate to different types of co-workers and good interpersonal relationships. They gave more importance to these beliefs rather than having a permanent position, work safety precautions beyond the basics, a candid communication culture and delegation of tasks. Though, these things were also important for them. They believed that they need all the aspects of professional and work skills development. The study revealed no significant relationship existed between the work attitudes and needs of the respondents. Hence, the needs of the nurses do not depend on their work attitude. To enhance the work attitudes and needs of the respondents a program is proposed partially giving additional benefits for the nurses; the management to conduct trainings on the identified training needs of the nurses in their respective hospitals; provide a standard manual of procedures and policies on infection control, assign nurses to different clinical areas of specialization and team building workshops among the hospital staff.


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