Yield improvement of oyster mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus) production using cotton seed cake with combination of wheat straw amended with rice bran cellulosic waste materials

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Yield improvement of oyster mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus) production using cotton seed cake with combination of wheat straw amended with rice bran cellulosic waste materials

Nasir Ahmad Khan, Owais Yasin, Hafiz Muhammad Usman Aslam, Amna Ikram, Rashid Maqbool, Muhammad Akhtar, Muhammad Asif, Sajid Aleem Khan, Nazir Javed
Int. J. Biosci.14( 2), 339-348, February 2019.
Certificate: IJB 2019 [Generate Certificate]


In recent years agricultural and industrial waste bio-conversion into food has attracted the world attention but has received diminutive attention in Pakistan. Pleurotus ostreatus is a good source of protein, amino acid, vitamins and also contain less amount of fats cholesterol. The present study was conducted to check the yield production of oyster mushroom Pleurotus ostreatus by using different agriculture waste materials such as wheat straw and rice bran with cotton seed cake. Five treatments were prepared in different proportions to check the time span (number of days) for mycelium growth completion, formation of pinhead, total number of pinhead formed, formation of fruiting bodies and total number of mature fruiting bodies formation. Results described that highest number of days consumed for complete formation pinhead, total number of pinhead, fruiting bodies and total number of mature fruiting bodies were observed with T2 treatment (cotton seed cake 100%) and was lowest in T1 treatment (wheat straw 100%). Maximum yield production of oyster mushroom was observed T1 treatment 407 gm as compared to other treatments. The highest mycelium growth of oyster mushroom was recorded with treatment T5 (wheat straw 50% + cotton seed cake 25% + rice bran 25%) and the lowest was being with T2. It was concluded that cotton seed cake along wheat straw and rice bran gave maximum mycelium growth of oyster mushroom while wheat straw produced maximum yield of oyster mushroom.

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