Yield potentials of recently released wheat varieties and advanced lines under different soil fertility

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Research Paper 01/06/2015
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Yield potentials of recently released wheat varieties and advanced lines under different soil fertility

Md. Ilias Hossain, Md. Israil Hossain, M.A. Rahman, Md. Ashraful Haque, Sohel Hasan, Md. Shahidul Haque
Int. J. Agron. Agri. Res.6( 6), 91-99, June 2015.
Certificate: IJAAR 2015 [Generate Certificate]


An experiment was conducted to study the varietals/genotypic potentiality in producing maximum yield under different soil and environmental conditions and N-use efficiency of different genotypes and to support wheat breeding program in selecting the genotype with relatively higher yield potential. The experiment was conducted in split plot design with three replications to evaluate the two soil management practices: (i) Recommended fertilizer (N100P30K50S20) with all the production package of Wheat Research Center (WRC) (timely sowing, one weeding, 3 irrigations) (ii) Treatment (i) plus soil treatment (application of granular fungicide in moist soil before seeding) with plant protection (foliar application of tilt at anthesis and grain filling). One additional irrigation (schedules: 17-21, 35-40, 55-60, 75-80 DAS) in the main plot and eight varieties/lines, varities: i) Shatabdi ii) Prodip iii) Bijoy iv) BARI Gom-25 v) BARI Gom-26, lines: vi) BAW 1051 vii) BAW 1135 and viii) BAW 1141 in subplot were adopted. The results conclude that best management practice with Prodip, Bijoy and BAW 1141 are best performance among the genotypes/varieties and will give a new concept on identification of the strategy for the improvement of wheat cultivation and yield.


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