Yield response of upland Rice + Peanut intercropping schemes to Rhizobial (Bio-N) inoculation

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Research Paper 01/01/2019
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Yield response of upland Rice + Peanut intercropping schemes to Rhizobial (Bio-N) inoculation

MSA Jona Longat Asuncion
Int. J. Biosci.14( 1), 484-494, January 2019.
Certificate: IJB 2019 [Generate Certificate]


This research was conducted during the dry season to evaluate the intercropping schemes in peanut and Rhizobial inoculation. The study aimed to compare the growth and yield performance of Rhizobium inoculated upland rice and peanut, to determine the land productivity through Land Equivalent Ratios, determine the nitrogen level of the soil per treatment before and after the conduct of the study and do a simple analysis on the cost and returns using the different intercropping schemes and inoculation. Two- Factorial in RCBD was used in evaluating the effects of Factor A (inoculation) and Factor B (intercropping pattern). Rice yield parameters like plant height, herbage yield, and yield per plot in rice are not significantly affected by cropping pattern and Rhizobial inoculation. There was a significant effect in number of tillers. In peanut, cropping pattern and inoculation affected pod yield per plot and hay yield. The combined yield of peanut and upland rice was significantly in T1: inoculated 1R: 3P over the monoculture. Using LER as index of productivity, 2R:2P without inoculation produce the highest LER at 1.92. There was an appreciable improvement in the Nitrogen content of the experimental plots after the conduct of the study. Considering higher ROI, it is recommended to follow 1R:3P with inoculation and monocrop peanut with inoculation. The use of multiple cropping is obviously beneficial as when one crop fails, there is still another crop from which the farmer could derive income as in the case of rice.

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