Yield structure formation of Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum Mill.) influenced by leaf treatments with growth-stimulating fertilizers

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Research Paper 07/01/2024
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Yield structure formation of Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum Mill.) influenced by leaf treatments with growth-stimulating fertilizers

Gertrude Keegoui, Nadezhda A. Zaytseva, Sergei V. Zaytsev
Int. J. Agron. Agri. Res.24( 1), 9-18, January 2024.
Certificate: IJAAR 2024 [Generate Certificate]


Tomato fruits have great interest for human health as they are a source of a large amount of nutrients, micronutrients, acids, etc. Climate changes in the last few years, accompanied by an increase in average daily air temperatures, increasing dry periods of varying intensity led scientists all over the world to search for new technologies of plant cultivation. One of modern and actual technics can be leaf application of various growth-regulating fertilizers composed with amino acids and chelate forms of macro and micro fertilizers. The experiment was conducted in the north of the Astrakhan region in the zone of sharply continental climate within 2018-2020. The study revealed that various growth stimulants have a positive effect on the formation of tomato productivity, increasing the number of fruits per plant from 11…22 (Aminovit) to 13…27 pieces (Aminofol) depending on the variety. Leaf treatments with various growth stimulants having in their composition chelate forms of mineral fertilizers and amino acids, such as Aminovit, Aminofol and Speedfol contribute to the improvement of tomato productivity, increasing the average weight of fruits and their number on one bush, increasing the average weight of one fruit, increasing the marketable yield of tomatoes.


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