Grapes post-harvest decaying process, associated fungal pathogens and their ecofriendly control by plant extracts and oils

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Research Paper 01/10/2019
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Grapes post-harvest decaying process, associated fungal pathogens and their ecofriendly control by plant extracts and oils

Syed Shamsullah, Muhammad Ibrahim, Muhammad Aslam, Muhammad Anayat Ullah, Muhammad Kamran, Sadam Husain
Int. J. Biosci.15( 4), 524-530, October 2019.
Certificate: IJB 2019 [Generate Certificate]


Grapes (Vitis vinifera L.) are amongst widely consumed fruit in the world. In Pakistan, about 66 thousand tons of grapes are produced annually from an area of 78.30 thousand hectares. Grapes are highly perishable commodityduring transportation, storage, and marketing for general consumption and post-harvest losses are up to 16-23%. Numerous biotic and abiotic factors reduce the production and quality of grapes. In this study, samples of rotten grapes were collected from different fruit markets of Pishin (Balochistan) and Faisalabad (Punjab). The samples were subjected to isolate the fungal pathogens, responsible for the post-harvest decay of fruits. The fungal pathogen isolated were identified as Aspergillus flavus and A. carbonarius causing post-harvest decay of grape berries. The pathogenicity of the two isolated pathogens was evaluated ondifferent temperatures (5, 20, 30 & 40°C) on Thompson seedless variety of grapes. The temperature 40°C was found conducive for infection and proliferation of fungi. Five organic origin chemicals namely Neem, Castor and Clove oils, with concentrations of (500, 1000, 2000 ppm) for each oil and also Neem and Marigold Extracts with concentrations of (12.5, 25, 50%) of both extracts were used as antifungal agents. Among the tested organic compounds, Clove oil @ 2000 ppm was found better in delaying thedecay process of both fungal pathogens. The decay was reduced up to 50% as compared to control. This study indicates that post-harvest application of essential oils can potentially enhance the storage life of grapes prior to marketing.

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