Determining economically feasible watercourse lining length in the irrigated area of Punjab, Pakistan

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Research Paper 01/02/2018
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Determining economically feasible watercourse lining length in the irrigated area of Punjab, Pakistan

Pirzada M. Moshabbir, Hafiz Qaiser Yasin, Malik M. Akram, Arsam Ahmad Awan
J. Bio. Env. Sci.12( 2), 221-229, February 2018.
Certificate: JBES 2018 [Generate Certificate]


A watercourse is the last leg of canal irrigation network of Pakistan from where the farmer diverts water to irrigate his crops. High irrigation water losses are impending during the conveyance through unimproved watercourses. Losses in watercourses varies with the length and flow time. A broad study has been carried out to determine the losses by using the inflow-outflow methodology for the determination of extent of lining which is economical. Annual savings 308 to 786 acre-ft. of water per watercourse were determined, which can be used to irrigate an additional area of 92 and 62 acres of crops in Rabi and Kharif respectively. Economic Internal Rate of Return (EIRR) for investments made against different incremental lining length percentages was calculated. Each watercourse will yield different values of EIRR depending upon the actual discharge of the watercourse, command area, and type of crops. It was found that lining length beyond 55% is not economically feasible as EIRR falls below 12%. It has been found that lining up to 50% length of the watercourse can reduce about 80% of conveyance losses with the EIRR 23%. Nonetheless, based on an economic analysis, the 50% lining length, which yielded EIRR of 23%, was found economically viable. It is therefore, recommended that watercourse lining length may be enhanced from the presently practiced 30% to 50% in order to conserve precious water to the maximum extent and to ensure food security.


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