Evaluation of the efficiency of some antioxidant chemical for germination of bean seeds and on the inhibiting growth of the pathogen causing root and stalk rot disease under laboratory
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Evaluation of the efficiency of some antioxidant chemical for germination of bean seeds and on the inhibiting growth of the pathogen causing root and stalk rot disease under laboratory
The study was conducted to isolate and identify the fungi associated with bean root rot, testing their pathogenicity and evaluate the activity of some antioxidants: Ascorbic acid, Benzoic acid, Salicylic acid (SA) and Phylax on bean seed germination and against growth of some pathogenic causes . The results of Isolation and identification showed the presence of nine species which are belong to seven genus of fungi, of these fungi, R. solani was found the more abundant followed by F. solani and M. phaseiolina. While the other fungi recorded lower frequency percentage. The Preliminary test of pathogencity for nine isolates showed a significant increase in the percentage of seed infection compared with 0.00% in control. The results showed that all of the chemical with its three concentrations (1500, 2500 ,5000 ppm) effects on seed germination percentage and varying degrees at 1 to 24 hours , SA treatments showed significantly increased germination compared with other treatments while there were no significant differences between the soaking the seeds in SA at concentration 2500 ppm and the sedimentation with water for 24 hours at 100% each , and that there was an inverse relation between concentrations and germination. There were significant differences in the inhibition growth of fungi with the entire chemical to varying degrees compared to the fungus alone, with a percentage of inhibition of 0.0%.SA superiority reduced the rate of inhibition of tested fungi relative to other chemicals. It was observed that there was a positive relationship between concentrations and the percentage of inhibition.
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Rekan Hameed Farhan, Hurria Hussien Al-Juboory (2018), Evaluation of the efficiency of some antioxidant chemical for germination of bean seeds and on the inhibiting growth of the pathogen causing root and stalk rot disease under laboratory; JBES, V12, N3, March, P98-109
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