Profile of lowland vegetable growers in cagayan province, Philippines

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Research Paper 01/03/2022
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Profile of lowland vegetable growers in cagayan province, Philippines

Josie Y. Bas-ong, Rachelle Joy A. Consigna, Karen Joy A. Abalos
Int. J. Biosci.20( 3), 199-210, March 2022.
Certificate: IJB 2022 [Generate Certificate]


This study was implemented from January to June 2021 in response to government efforts in improving farm productivity to combat food insecurity amidst the pandemic. The study aimed to establish baseline information of vegetable growers and improve the economic benefits of vegetable production in the province. There are 221 profiled vegetable growers from 12 barangays in 7 municipalities covered by the project through the aid of structured questionnaires, where the consolidated data were analyzed using a statistical tool. The result shows that the respondents are middle-aged Ilocano, slightly male-dominated, married with a 4-member nuclear family, Roman Catholic, attained secondary education and members of an organization. Furthermore, the respondents claimed that vegetable production provides them the highest income with an average income amounting to Php15,773.85 per cropping season from an average area of 0.77 ha. The respondents also claimed that the high price of fertilizers, scarcity of manual labor, high perishability and low market absorption of commodities severely affected them in their production, harvesting, post-harvest and marketing operations. Given the remarkable contribution of vegetable production to the respondents amidst the effects of pressing problems encountered in their operations, it is therefore recommended to intensify government assistance to pinakbet vegetable growers on mechanization, inputs, product consolidation, marketing, and support price to sustain a whole year-round supply of pinakbet vegetables in the province of Cagayan or in Region 02.

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