Impact of sowing dates on the growth and yield of wheat variety benazir-2013, Sindh Province, Pakistan

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Research Paper 01/05/2018
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Impact of sowing dates on the growth and yield of wheat variety benazir-2013, Sindh Province, Pakistan

Zameer Ahmed Kalwar, Amanullah Tunio, Muhammad Yousif Shaikh, Imran Khan, Jatoi, Qamaruddin Jogi
Int. J. Agron. Agri. Res.12( 5), 65-71, May 2018.
Certificate: IJAAR 2018 [Generate Certificate]


The study was carried out to investigate the impact of sowing dates on the growth and yield of wheat variety Benazir-2013. For the Purpose, Experiment was conducted at Agriculture Research Institute (ARI), Tando Jam. Four Treatments (sowing dates T1 = 1st November, T2 = 15th November, T3 = 1stDecember and T4 = 15th December) were applied to the experiment with Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) technique. The collected data were analyzed accordingly with the help of Statistical Software Statistix 8.1 (SX). The T1 resulted in 87.10 cm plant height, and 4015.8kg ha-1 grain yield. The results of T2 with plant height of 86.36 cm and ha-1 grain yield 3971.8kg were observed. The crop sown on 1stDecember (T3) revealed 80.08cm plant height and ha-1 grain yield of 3574.3kg. The crop sown at 15th December resulted in 79.21cm plant height, and 3257.6kg ha-1 grain yield. The results of four treatments revealed that T1 has performed significantly better than T2, T3 and T4. On the basis of the results of this study, it is concluded that sowing time has significant effect on plant growth, height and on overall yield. So it is suggested that sowing of wheat crop in the month of November will yield more than sowing of wheat crop in the month of December. So, it is recommended that farmers should complete their cultivation of Wheat crop in first half of November to get more yield and financial benefits.


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