Physiochemical properties of Sudanese wheat (Debeira) variety obtained from different locations

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Research Paper 01/08/2018
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Physiochemical properties of Sudanese wheat (Debeira) variety obtained from different locations

Khadiga G. Abd Elaleem, Ahlam S. Mohamed, Amani Algali, Babiker El Wasila Mohamed, Widad Hassan Abdel Halim Hassan, Professor Paul Lado Bureng
Int. J. Agron. Agri. Res.13( 2), 77-84, August 2018.
Certificate: IJAAR 2018 [Generate Certificate]


This research was carried out to evaluate the quality of Sudanese wheat cultivars namely (Debeira), obtained from three agricultural research station in Sudan, namely; Hudeiba, Medani and Sennar. The physical and chemical characters of wheat  grain include; Hectoliter  weight, one  thousand  kernel weight, kernel  hardness ,kernel size, moisture content, ash content, crude protein, Alpha-amylase activity, Sedimentation  value, wet   and  dry  gluten and Bread specific  volume were studied. Hectoliter weight was range from 791.5-851.6, weight of 1000-kernel range from 29.6-35 g, Kernel hardness is ranged from 4.4-9.2 kg/grain and Kernel size range from 3.23-3.64. Values of moisture content were ranged from 8.0-8.5% .Ash content obtained no significant difference (at p ≥0.05) in the ash content of the two locations Hudeiba and Medani, but there was significant difference with those of Sennar location. The protein quantities of Debeira were found to be (13.81±0.4%, 12.70±0.40% and 11.11±0.40%);Wet and dry gluten were 25.2 ± 0.52, 11.3 ± 0.24%; 23.7±0.52% and 10.5±0.24%; and 21.7±0.52% and 9.8±0.24%; Sedimentation values as follow (16.0±0.9 ml, 11.4±0.90 ml and 10.2±0.9 ml), in the three locations Hudeiba, Medani and Sennar respectively. The Alpha-amylase activity showed a decrease of enzyme Alpha- amylase activity in the three locations Hudeiba (393±7.5 second), Medani (410±7.5 second) and Sennar (442±7.5 second). The outcomes obviously indicate that the investigated Sudanese wheat Debeira cultivar that grown in Hudeiba could efficiently be used for bread making.


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