Effect of Mentha piperita L. fatty oil on full thickness excised wound healing in rabbits

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Research Paper 01/12/2017
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Effect of Mentha piperita L. fatty oil on full thickness excised wound healing in rabbits

Ahmed Boukeloua, Mustafa Abdullah Yilmaz, Hamdi Temel
Int. J. Biosci.11( 6), 68-74, December 2017.
Certificate: IJB 2017 [Generate Certificate]


The present work aimed to determine the chemical characterization of the aerial partand to assess full thickness excised wound healing activity of the fatty oil of Mentha piperita L. (MPFO) grown in Algerian eastern part. The fatty acid composition of M. piperita L. leaves hexane extract was analysed by GC-MS. Total thickness excised wound healing activity of hexane extract was carried out on the back of nine adult male New Zealand rabbits; comparing to a reference drug effects (Madecassol®).The treatments were repeated once daily until complete healing. For each four days of post-excision, the percentage of wound contraction was evaluated, and the different healing times were noted. The results showed that M. piperita L. leaves contain low levels of oil (1.79%), and GC/MS results of its oil have revealed the presence of  different fatty acids among which the main constituents  were oleic (43.16 ± 1.01%), palmitic (37.70 ± 0.94%) and linoleic (11.13± 0.45%) acids. The wound healing activity and the level of wound contraction were significantly higher in M. piperita L. fatty oil (MPFO) compared to untreated wounds. In addition, both of MPFO and Madecassol® accelerated significantly wound healing activity and their healing times were faster than CONT group. We conclude that M. piperita L. fatty oil promotes significantly (p< 0.05) wound contraction and reduces epithelization period in rabbit model.

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