Allolophatic effect of Parthenium liquid extract on mung bean germination ability and early growth

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Allolophatic effect of Parthenium liquid extract on mung bean germination ability and early growth

Shah Khalid, Imranuddin, Nadia, Faisal Nadeem, Saddamullah, M. Aamir, Farman Ghani
Int. J. Agron. Agri. Res.11( 4), 31-36, October 2017.
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Allelopathy is the most dangerous weapon acquired by most of the weeds plants to compete with crops, and suppressed their growth, but their level of toxicity and it effect is different (among crops to crops, weeds to weeds and part to part), so therefore to study the allolophatic effect of Parthenium hysterophorus on mung bean, a laboratory experiment was carried out at the university of Peshawar, Pakistan during 2016. Four different liquid extracts(2%, 4%, 8% and 10%) of three different parts (leaf, stem, and root) along with one control (only water) ware used in the experiment as treatments along with control (water spray only) The treatments were repeated three times in complete randomized design. The results showed that all the treatments severely decreased germination %, stem, root length, seedling growth, percent stem and root elongation as compared to control (water spray only). Application of 10% liquid extract of all the three parts completely suppressed, all the studied parameters, germination (0), shoot (0), root length (0) and seedling growth (0), followed by 8%, 4%, 2% as compared to control where  germination (95%), root (3.4cm), stem length (3.53cm), and seedling growth (6.93)was recorded. Incase of different parts, leaf extract, shown higher inhibitory effect followed by root and stem in all parameters. From the results, it is concluded that Parthenium liquid extract negatively affected mung bean growth and should need to eradicate, to ensure higher germination and seedling growth of mung bean.

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