Effect of different edible coatings on the quality and shelf life of chinese meyer lemon (Citrus meyer L.)

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Research Paper 01/09/2021
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Effect of different edible coatings on the quality and shelf life of chinese meyer lemon (Citrus meyer L.)

Danish Ahmad, Sameen Fatima, Sana Tahir, Muhammad Salman Ahsan, Amna Hafeez, Abeera Fatima, Muhammad Shafiq, Muhammad Saleem Haider
Int. J. Biosci.19( 3), 1-11, September 2021.
Certificate: IJB 2021 [Generate Certificate]


Chinese meyer lemon were treated with four different solutions (garlic extract, honeybee wax solution, Aloe vera gel solution and sugarcane wax solution) as an edible coating before storage. Analytical determinations were made for about 10 days at room temperature. The changes in fruit quality parameters related to lemon postharvest ripening, such as weight loss, softening, fruit firmness, total soluble solids, browning ratio, pH and shelf life and colour changes were significantly evaluated. The best antifungal and antimicrobial agent was found to be 15% Aloe vera gel solution.  It aided in preservance of moisture and also acted as anti-browning againt. Aloe vera gel can be used for commercial application and as alternative of the use of postharvest chemical treatments. Garlic extract solution followed by Aloe vera showed excellent results in terms of preserving food without the proliferation of microbes and fungi. On the contrary, sugarcane wax solution and honeybee wax solution showed poor results.

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