Monospecific bloom of noxious raphidophyte Chattonella marina in the coastal water of South West coast of India
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Monospecific bloom of noxious raphidophyte Chattonella marina in the coastal water of South West coast of India
A massive monospecific bloom of toxic marine raphidophyte Chattonella marina was observed off Kochi along the southwest coast of India during lateSeptember 2009 with very high cell density (1.59 x 107 cells L-1) and wide spatial distribution. The tear drop shaped cells were 38-65 µm long, 25-30 µm wide and having large number of chloroplasts. Almost 90% of the phytoplankton population was composed of C. marina in the bloom area. Other phytoplankters were few in number represented by Skeletonema costatum, Rhizosolenia spp., Chaetoceros spp., Psuedo-nitzschia spp. etc. and amongthese Skeletonema costatum was dominant with cell density 2.3 x 104 cells L-1. The concentration of photosynthetic pigment, chlorophyll a was 8.3 µg L-1 in the bloom area. Toxicity test using the alcohol extracts of the Chattonella bloom samples showed characteristic neurotoxic symptoms in fishes leading to mortality.
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Kunnatholickal Balakrishnan Padmakumar, Lathika Cicily Thomas, Thaliyakkattil Chandran Salini, Elizabeth John, Narayana Ravindranatha Menon, Veloorkirakathil Narayana Sanjeevan (2011), Monospecific bloom of noxious raphidophyte Chattonella marina in the coastal water of South West coast of India; IJB, V1, N1, February, P57-69
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