Effect of gypsum and farmyard manure on yield and yield components of rice (Oryza sativa L.) under saline sodic soil at Amibara, Ethiopia

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Research Paper 10/07/2022
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Effect of gypsum and farmyard manure on yield and yield components of rice (Oryza sativa L.) under saline sodic soil at Amibara, Ethiopia

Teshome Bekele
Int. J. Agron. Agri. Res.21( 1), 1-10, July 2022.
Certificate: IJAAR 2022 [Generate Certificate]


Abundance of soil with saline sodic property in Amibara irrigated farms is becoming a threat to crop productivity. As part of the solution to such problem soils, combine application of gypsum and farmyard manure has not been investigated well in the area. Therefore study was conducted at Worer Agricultural Research Center using rice as a test crop during 2018 cropping season to evaluate their effect on yield and yeild componets of rice. Factorial combinations with three rates of FYM (0, 10 and 20t ha-1) and five rates of gypsum (0%, 25%, 50%, 75%, 100% GR) were laid out in randomized complete complete block design with three replications. Composite surface soil samples before experiment and from each treatment after harvest were collected for laboratory analysis. Most growth and yield components parameters were significantly (P≤0.05) different due to the main and the interaction of GYP and FYM. Straw yield, tillering number, effective tillering number and grain yield were affected significantly by the interaction effect of GYP and FYM. The highest grain yield (4.27t ha-1) were obtained at application of 20t ha-1 FYM +75 % GR. From the results it could be concluded that application of 20t ha-1 FYM + 75 % GR enhance grain yield of upland rice grown on saline sodic soil of Amibara district.

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