Mycoflora of maize seeds from Novi Pazar

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Research Paper 01/09/2015
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Mycoflora of maize seeds from Novi Pazar

Tanova, S. Raikov, P. Momchylova, Z. Marinova
Int. J. Agron. Agri. Res.7( 3), 9-13, September 2015.
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Field and/or storage fungi may cause severe corn production losses. Laboratory experiments were set for fungal infection assessment of four maize hybrids: SY Оndina, Dekalb 370, Kneja 509 and ЕS Safari. Most present field (soil – borne) fungi found were from the genera Alternaria, Mucor, Penicillium and Fusarium. Plumules were most infected in Kneja 509 (50%) and least in SY Оndina (40%). Subepidermal, the seeds were infected with Fusarium, Alternaria, Mucor, Penicillium, Helminthosporum, Aspergillus, Pythium, Rizocontia and Trichoderma. The average seed contamination was highest in ES Safary (57%) and lowest in Dekalb 370 (16%). The genus Trichoderma was found only in SY Оndina (19%) and the hybrid Dekalb 370 (1%).

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