Nutrient limitations of the edible sprouts: A review

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Nutrient limitations of the edible sprouts: A review

Aruna Kakumanu, Rosaiah Gorrepati, Babu Kakumanu
Int. J. Biosci.22( 6), 133-148, June 2023.
Certificate: IJB 2023 [Generate Certificate]


In recent times people are quite aware of health and nutrition. Both fibers and proteins play an effective role in human nutrition. Even though animal meat contains more protein than plant protein, it is devoid of fibers’. However, plant sources found to be contain both protein and fibers in high amounts. The seeds are good reservoirs for rich proteins and fibers, especially during sprouting. During the germination process seeds release light proteins along with various vitamins i.e Vit. A, B complex vitamins, C – vitamin, E- vitamin and K- vitamin and minerals i.e Ca, Mg, Zn, Fe, Se and K. Among the seeds pulses showed significant levels of proteins, fibers, vitamins and minerals. Sprouting time and cooking showed significant variations in their nutrient contents and this review clearly emphasizes the changes in sprouts due to time and cooking.

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