Investigating the effect of carbohydrate buildup and sink limitation to photosynthetic rate: A review

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Review Paper 04/08/2023
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Investigating the effect of carbohydrate buildup and sink limitation to photosynthetic rate: A review

Christine B. Dalogdog, Caitlin Andrea M. Perral, Cecille N. Gementiza, Mauricio S. Adlaon
Int. J. Biosci.23( 2), 106-112, August 2023.
Certificate: IJB 2023 [Generate Certificate]


In crops, the physiological basis of dry matter production depends on the source-sink notion and the capability to utilize photosynthetic products. When the sink exceeds the source, it declines prematurely due to lack of assimilates. The source organs are leaves while the sink organs are the fruit of the plant. In process of photosynthesis, chlorophyll absorbs energy from sunlight to build carbohydrates in the chloroplasts of the leaves, and aerobic cellular respiration releases that stored energy by using oxygen to break down carbohydrates. Both organelles use electron transport chains to generate the energy necessary to drive other reactions. It was suggested by (Tejera-Nieves et al., 2023) that sink limitation is an important mechanism that drives photosynthetic decline. In their study, the starch (a carbohydrate) in the rhizome of perennial switch grass reached highest concentrations at the same the leaf photosynthesis rate is low. Strategies to mitigate sink limitation must be included to breeding practice to increase yields. The balance of sources and sinks is the subject of two recent papers, highlighting the possibility of combining improvements in both source and sink capacities (Paul et al., 2020; Sonnewald & Fernie, 2018). In this review, the effect of carbohydrate buildup and sink limitation to photosynthetic rate was investigated.


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