Land use dynamics of the Nasso campus of the Nazi Boni University of Burkina Faso using remote sensing data
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Land use dynamics of the Nasso campus of the Nazi Boni University of Burkina Faso using remote sensing data
The conservation of plant diversity has become a priority for public authorities, especially in a context marked by climate change coupled with human activities. An assessment of plant resources is therefore essential to propose strategies for their sustainable management. It is in this context that this study set out to assess the vegetation dynamics of the nasso campus from 1994 to 2021. To achieve this, satellite images from 1994 to 2021 were classified using the maximum likelihood algorithm. A field check was carried out to gather relevant information for validating the classifications made. The mapping revealed an extension of natural vegetation (savannahs) from 58.5 ha in 1994 to 508.41 ha in 2021, with average annual rates of 1.83% for treed savannahs and 148.38% for shrub savannahs. One of the key facts is the considerable reduction in the area of agrosystems between 1994 and 2021. However, land pressure and the expansion of the city of Bobo-Dioulasso pose a serious threat to the site. Measures must therefore be taken to protect the site, otherwise, in the short term; it will be invaded by local populations. This could lead to the loss of the nasso campus’s biodiversity and pollution of the water.
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Boalidioa Tankoano, Jerome T. Yameogo, Zézouma Sanon, Abdramane Traore, Mipro Hien (2024), Land use dynamics of the Nasso campus of the Nazi Boni University of Burkina Faso using remote sensing data; IJB, V25, N2, August, P209-217
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