The relationship between blood pH level and changes in lactation performance of heat-stressed Holstein cows

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Research Paper 03/10/2024
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The relationship between blood pH level and changes in lactation performance of heat-stressed Holstein cows

A. F. Washam, A. S. Mahdi, H. H. H. Al-Abbasi, A. A. M. Al-Wazeer
Int. J. Agron. Agri. Res.25( 4), 9-13, October 2024.
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The aim of this study was to investigate the correlation between blood pH levels and milk production and composition in Holstein cows during two seasons (winter and summer). Blood and samples were collected from 40 cows in third parity at Taj Al-Nahrain farm station. During summer, the temperature and humidity index (THI) showed that cows exposed to moderate stress with high blood pH levels (7.61-7.96). While in winter, THI values showed that cows below stress levels with low blood pH levels (7.31-7.53). Milk fat, protein and lactose contents and specific density of milk were higher (P≤0.01) in high blood pH level than low blood pH levels while the non-fat solid content was not affected by blood pH levels. The freezing point of milk increased significantly (P≤0.01) in cows not exposed to heat stress. Results also revealed that total milk production and persistency were higher (P≤0.01) with low blood pH than high pH levels. These results showed correlation between blood pH levels and heat stress, it can be used blood pH levels as indicator for heat stress.

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