Comparative analysis between the use of good agricultural practices and conventional farming in the production of mungbean

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Research Paper 08/11/2024
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Comparative analysis between the use of good agricultural practices and conventional farming in the production of mungbean

Josie Y. Bas-ong, Nonito B. Pattugalan, Karen Joy A. Abalos, Jayron B. Corpuz
Int. J. Biosci.25( 5), 102-106, November 2024.
Certificate: IJB 2024 [Generate Certificate]


This study was conducted to compare the agronomic and yield response of mung bean as affected by the use of Good agricultural practices (GAP) and conventional farming. The study was conducted at Cagayan State University Piat campus from May to August 2024 and was terminated after eight primming’s. The experiment utilized the Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) incorporating treatments for GAP and conventional farming. Key parameters measures included plant height, flowering time, pod formation, and herbage yield. Results indicated that mung beans grown under GAP exhibited earlier flowering time (42 days), greater plant height (47.95 cm) and heavier herbage yield (151.42 grams/plant) compared to conventional methods. The use of rhizobium inoculants, SpidTech, and mud press as a component of GAP not only boost productivity but also mitigates environmental concerns associated with conventional farming. In terms of net income, GAP cultivation resulted to have higher economic returns compared to conventional method of production. These findings suggest that GAP not only enhances agricultural productivity but also offers more suitable and economically viable alternative for mung bean growers.

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