Impact of micronutrients foliar application on soybean yield and its components under water deficit condition

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Research Paper 01/02/2013
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Impact of micronutrients foliar application on soybean yield and its components under water deficit condition

Soheil Kobraee, Keyvan Shamsi
J. Bio. Env. Sci.3( 2), 39-45, February 2013.
Certificate: JBES 2013 [Generate Certificate]


In order to study the effects of micronutrients foliar application on soybean yield under water deficit conditions, an experiment was conducted in a split plot based on randomized complete block design with three replications in Kermanshah province, Iran at 2010 growing season. In this research, treatments included four irrigation regimes and eight micronutrient foliar applications. At the V4 growth stage, the plats were sprayed twice (with one week interval) with 0.5% (w/v) or distilled water until the leaves were wet. At the end of growth season and harvesting time, the grain yield and yield components were determined. The results was showed that except for 100-seed weight per plant, other evaluated traits affected by irrigation regimes and micronutrients foliar application. Water deficit at flowering stage reduced plant height, Number of node, pod, and seed per plant, number of sub branch and grain yield by 21.5%, 24.9%, 24.9%, 33.8%, 32.0% and 29.3% compared check treatment, respectively. In the other side, spray of manganese increased grain yield by 29.6% compared M0 treatment. Indeed, Mn used was decreased the adverse effects of drought stress.

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