A comparative study of the quality of wheat grain stored in straw-clay, concrete block and ferrocement bins

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Research Paper 01/03/2015
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A comparative study of the quality of wheat grain stored in straw-clay, concrete block and ferrocement bins

Shakeel Hussain Chattha, Che Man Hasfalina, Muhammad Razif Mahadi, Benish Nawaz Mirani, Teang Shui Lee
J. Bio. Env. Sci.6( 3), 73-83, March 2015.
Certificate: JBES 2015 [Generate Certificate]


A considerable quantum of grains is lost during storage due to several defects in the storage structures. Considering the problem with regard to wheat losses during storage, the present study was conducted. Fungal incidence was increased throughout the storage period. A decreasing trend was noted in 1000 grain weight, germination capacity, fat content and protein content throughout the storage duration. The highest grain moisture content and fungal incidence was found in ferrocement bin followed by concrete block bin and then straw-clay bin. The highest rate of decrease of 1000 grain weight, germination capacity, fat content and protein content of wheat was detected from grain stored in ferrocement bin followed by concrete block bin and then straw-clay bin. However, grain moisture contents at loading (11 and 15%) showed very little or no effect on the quality characteristics of wheat grain. The storage bins have proven to be a promising solution to reduce storage losses and preserve quality of wheat grain. Results further revealed that straw-clay bin is suitable for retaining better values for maximum numbers of all the quality parameters studied during this research followed by concrete block bin and ferrocement bin.


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