A study into determination of pesticide residual effects on environment and farmer’s health in Okara Punjab, Pakistan

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Research Paper 01/08/2018
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A study into determination of pesticide residual effects on environment and farmer’s health in Okara Punjab, Pakistan

Rizwan Anjum, Aqeela Saghir, Sohaib Usman, Hafiz Ali Raza, Hassan Ahmad Khan
J. Bio. Env. Sci.13( 2), 90-101, August 2018.
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The surrounding of the earth is our environment. Environment includes the living and non-living things. From last few decades there is alterations in environment that effects human and the other species on the earth. Pesticides are the chemicals used to control the crop losses by killing the pests harmful for crop. The study deals with environment alteration due to excess use of pesticide and its horrible effects on farmer’s health. Objective of the present study is to find out affects about chemical pesticides and to assess the preventive measures they adopt to avoid the pesticide related health hazards. The aim of the present study to find out the perception about the impact of pesticides use on vegetable growing farmer’s health in rural areas of tehsil Okara, randomly 4 union councils of tehsil Okara were selected out of which 32 respondents from each tehsil were selected. A sample of 128 respondents selected proportionally. A major proportion i.e. 56.9% of the respondents was agreed that pesticides in vegetables cause illness of farmers. Perceptions of respondents that pesticides cause following diseases to a great extent like increase in headaches (48.5%), fatigue (40.0%), insomnia (45.4%), dizziness (37.7%), hand tremors (42.3%), skin disorders (46.9%), birth defects (36.2%), damage of liver (37.7%), damage of kidney (43.8%), respiratory problems (56.9%) and cancer (36.2%) to some extent, a significant association was found between education, income, pesticides users do not aware of precautionary measures. Pesticides users do not have facilities to save them and Pesticides in vegetables causes their ill health.

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